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Action Words: Journey of a Journalist is an original desegregation novel on Ora M. Lewis during the Great Depression. Ora earns the respect of US Senator Huey P. Long when the Editor of her newspaper, Alonzo Willis, covers her heroic deeds during a racially motivated shooting at City Hall. Together with Alonzo, Ora encourages Senator Long to champion the cause of desegregation in the City of New Orleans. Senator Long's fight with Jim Crow segregationist New Orleans Mayor Thomas Walmsley encourages Ora to take a stand against Walmsley's racist attacks. Ora is empowered by Senator Long's progressive message of change and equity. She finds new meaning and purpose in her life when Alonzo introduces her to Senator Long at the Louisiana capitol. Ora is inspired by Huey P. Long's presidential campaign and she begins to find hope for desegregation in the Senator's powerful platform. She is devastated when he is fatally injured by an assassin. Ora mourns the loss of Huey P. Long and makes the finite decision to lead a desegregation movement on her own terms. Mayor Walmsley intensifies his attacks, having Black people beaten and murdered by the treacherous White League supremacist group. Ora fearlessly covers Mayor Walmsley's attacks and the White League at a time when it is increasingly dangerous to challenge segregation. Despite the many warnings of her father and Alonzo, Ora leads the people and confronts Mayor Walmsley at City Hall. Ora risks her life and her freedom to send a strong message to the city that the spirits of the people will not be destroyed. Ora and Alonzo make every effort to improve the press coverage of segregation and Mayor Walmsley's attacks. They change the city and the perception of segregation and Mayor Walmsley as a leader. Alonzo is supportive of the Longite politician Robert Maestri and encourages him to announce his interest in the mayoral position. Maestri is reluctant to publicize his intentions, yet Mayor Walmsley resigns when his violent connection to the White League is exposed by the press. Ora is victorious when Maestri is elected Mayor of the City of New Orleans and he brings an end to Walmsley's Jim Crow violence. To purchase the novel visit Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.

New Novel On Ora M. Lewis
Read About Ora M. Lewis in the News

"The 106th Birthday Of Ora M. Lewis Celebrated"

Her Early Published Work

1927 Thru 1943

The Ora M. Lewis Film

The Ora M. Lewis film on her profound journalistic desegregation and voting rights works is forthcoming. The film will challenge and inspire the mainstream understanding of how Louisiana was desegregated.

Coming Soon...

Action Words: Journey of a Journalist

Published in February 2017, the desegregation novel reveals the extraordinary story of Ora M. Lewis in 1935 and 1936 at the outset of her professional writing career.

Order A Novel...

Celebrating Her Life

Happy 106th Birthday To Ora M. Lewis.


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